
  Welcome Message   

Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch
 Archdiocese of the Western United States





Life of Jesus








January,1 2017

Commit your works to the Lord, And your thoughts will be established. Proverbs 16:3

You may be involved in a complex project that has many unsettled issues surrounding it, and you might not know how to resolve them. Or its chances of succeeding might be slim. You're racking your brain, and your thoughts are all over the place. But have you committed the project-lock, stock, and barrel-to God? That's the way to gain peace and clarity. If you commit what you're involved in to God, He will see to it that your plans succeed.

The devil often fights what men of God are doing, so you need divine assistance to bring your works to completion. A solid Bible promise states, "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you" (Psalm 37:5). He'll help you, that is, if the project was His will to begin with.

On the other end of the spectrum, however, the Bible warns, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it" (Psalm 127:1).

Too many men are spinning their wheels trying to accomplish something, but they didn't check it out with God first to get His stamp of approval.

So their labor is potentially in vain. Whether they're building a house or whatever they're trying to accomplish, it won't succeed, or it won't last.

Before you embark on a project, big or small, humbly lay it before God's feet and be sure to get His blessing and authorization before you sink time and energy into it.


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The Western Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the Syriac Orthodox community, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of 18 churches and parishes in 17 western states. It was established in 1952 as the Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church encompassing the entire United States and Canada. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the 17 states of the western half United States.

417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501
Tel: (818) 845-5089 Fax: (818) 953-7203
E-mail: bishopric@soc-wus.org


� Copyright 2010 Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch -  Archdiocese of the Western United States