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 Archdiocese of the Western United States





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Please keep the two abducted Archbishops
in your prayers as the Mother Church does

Both Archbishops were abducted
on Monday April 22, 2013

Syriac Orthodox Church News:

March,29 2015

عقد الأسبوع الماضي في ضيافة قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني اللقاء الحادي عشر لرؤساء الكنائس الأرثوذكسية الشرقية بالشرق الأوسط بحضور العائلة الارثوذكسية الكنيسة القبطية الارثوذكسية، الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية، والكنيسة الارمنية الارثوذكسية وحصل موقع "وطني" على نص البيان الذي وقع عليه جميع الاباء رؤساء الكنائس والذي جاء كالتالي:


March,28 2015
Born: April 20, 1930 Mardin, Turkey
Died: March 27, 2015 Burbank, California

With submission to the will of God, with great sorrow, we announce passing away of faithful Suat Sener, on Friday March 27, 2015 in Burbank California.

Condolences are accepted at St. Ephraim Cathedral Social Hall, Sunday March 29, from 4pm to 7pm, and Monday March ...More

March,28 2015
Born: 1923 Fhaile, Homs, Syria
Died: March 27, 2015 Santa Maria, California

With submission to the will of God, with great sorrow, we announce passing away of faithful Khouriye Hadwe Shahla Farah, the wife of the late Rev. Fr. Nehme Farah, on Friday March 27, 2015 in Santa Maria. California.

Condolences are accepted at St. George Church soci...More

March,27 2015
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East – 27/3/15
USA: It is great sorrow and a heavy heart that His Beatitude Mar Aprem, Metropolitan of India and Patriarchal Vicar, in unison with all the members of the Holy Synod of the Assyrian Church of the East (absent were Mar Aprhrem Nathniel and Mar Narsai Benyamin due to visa difficulties), announce the falling asleep ...More

March,26 2015

أعلن سكرتير مجمع كنيسة المشرق الآشورية مار آوا روئيل نبأ وفاة قداسة البطريرك مار دنخا الرابع خننيا في إحدى مستشفيات ولاية مينيسوتا الأميركية، وذلك الساعة العاشر، بالتوقيت المحلي للولاية، من صباح اليوم الخميس المصادف في 26 آذار الجاري.

هذا وقد أبصر النور البطريرك دنخا الرابع في قرية دربندوكه في منطقة حرير قرب أربيل شمال العراق في 15 ايل...More

March,23 2015

عاشت الكنيسة السريانية يوم الأحد المنصرم 22 آذار 2015 ذكرى روحية، مستحضرة أباها الروحي العام الذي ترك الحياة الأرضية قبل سنة لينضم الى أحبارها الميامين في السماء.

بهذه المناسبة الاستشفاعية على مرور عام على انتقال المثلث الرحمات قداسة البطريرك مار إغناطيوس زكا الأول عيواص الذي رقد بالربّ في 21 آذار 2014. احتفل صاحب نيافة مار اقليميس أوج...More

March,23 2015
Born: 1937 Fairouzeh, Syria
Died: March 21, 2015 Burbank, California

With submission to the will of God, with great sorrow, we announce passing away of faithful Yousef Tiessan (Abu Adeeb), on Saturday March 21, 2015 in Burbank, California.

Condolences are accepted at St. George Church social hall, on Monday and Tuesday March 23 and 24, from ...More

March,20 2015
First and foremost we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for gathering us in His name, and for His blessings. We ask our Lord to bless His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan, our Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, and all the teachers.

A Big Thank You to St. Elias Church and Rev. Fr. John Saif for hosting the meeting and a delicious Lenten Lunch. We thank you for everything and the delicious food. May God bless the Comm...More

March,20 2015
Their Holinesses: Catholicose Aram I, Armenian Orthodox Catholicose of the Great House of Cilicia, Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, and Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East and Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, met together in the regular meeting of the heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches held in Cairo - Egypt.

His Holiness ...More

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By Bar 'Ebroyo








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The Western Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, providing Syriac news, spiritual guidance and leadership to the Syriac Orthodox community, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of 25 churches and parishes in 17 western states. It was established in 1952 as the Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church encompassing the entire United States and Canada. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod of Antioch, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the 17 states of the western half United States.

417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501
Tel: (818) 845-5089 Fax: (818) 495-2440
E-mail: bishopric@soc-wus.org


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