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 Archdiocese of the Western United States





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Please keep the two abducted Archbishops
in your prayers as the Mother Church does

Both Archbishops were abducted
on Monday April 22, 2013

Syriac Orthodox Church News:

May,2 2015
Suphi Aksoy-Yakup Nuhomu
Bir kişiyi katlederek 1000 kişiyi göçertme ve kaçırtma taktiği özellikle, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından sistematik olarak uygulandı. Bu dönemde Süryani halkının bütün tarihsel ve kültürel değerleri, toplumsal dinamikleri tahrip edildi.

Osmanlı’da İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin sürdürdüğü katliam ve soykırımları esas alan Turancılık ve Kemalizm politik...More

May,1 2015
You can't have a testimony without a test.
A testimony is often a way of sharing what God has done in a person's life. However, in order to have a testimony there almost always was a test through which that person had to persevere.

It is, therefore, understandable that we are told to rejoice during trials -- not because of the trials themselves, but ...More

April,30 2015

عُقِد الاجتماع الدوري الثالث لعام 2015 لكهنة الكنائس المحلية لأبرشية غربي الولايات المتحدة برعاية نيافة الحبر الجليل مار اقليميس أوجين مطران أبرشية. ولقد تم هذا الاجتماع ظهيرة يوم الثلاثاء المصادف 28 نيسان 2015 وكان نيافته يرغب في زيارة الخوري شارا وعائلته في داره الجديدة للصلاة وطلب بركة الرب لتحل النعمة في هذه الدار وأهلها. وبالفعل وبناء...More

April,23 2015
Two years have passed since the disappearance of the two Metropolitans of Aleppo, the Syriac-Orthodox Archbishop Mar Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim and the Greek-Orthodox Archbishop Boulos Yazigi on April 22, 2013. Both priests were consumed by their efforts to care for all Syrians and to do whatever possible assist the people of Aleppo through an increasingly harsh and dangerous existence. I met the Bishop Mar Gregorios...More

April,23 2015

(AINA) — The United Nations often pays lip service to the need to stop educational instruction that could motivate genocidal attacks on national or religious groups. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 defines the right to education in this way: “[Education] shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nation...More

April,22 2015
Listen to your prayers, because they locate your level of spiritual maturity.
What are you praying for? Are you asking God to give you more stuff--a bigger house, a new car, a bigger salary? What you pray for indicates what is important to you.

It is a great lesson to examine what the people in the Bible prayed for.

King David, in Psalm 27:4, prayed, One th...More

April,21 2015

سنتان عبرتا والعدالة مسجونة في دهاليز الظلم، والعُتاة الأشرار نسٓوا أو تناسٓوا أنهم قيدوا وديعتٓين مباركتٓين، لهما على المنابر صولاتٌ وفي المحافل الدولية جولاتٌ، فيها الضمير يتكلم والصدق يتجسد والتضحية تُبذٓل في سبيل نشر كلمة الله بين الملأ القاصي والداني.

أُختطفا ظلماً وعُنتاً وبُهتاناً. لا لجريرةٍ اقترفاها، ولا لمصيبة احدثاها، وإنما ...More

April,20 2015

صبيحة يوم السبت المصادف 18 نيسان 2015، وبناء على الدعوة التي وجهتها سكرتارية الكاتدرائية لجميع الكهنة والمجالس الملية للكنائس المحلية في الابرشية وتحت رعاية ورئاسة صاحب النيافة مار إقليميس اوجين حضر هؤلاء المندوبون من كهنة وممثلي المجالس الملية في الموعد المحدد والذي استضافته كاتدرائية مار أفرام في بربانك، وكان لقاؤهم حميماً مع نيافته الذي...More

April,16 2015
A historic ecumenical gathering was held at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. The service was hosted by the Most Reverend José H. Gomez, the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

The evening's keynote message was delivered by LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, who courageously reaffirmed the importance of recognizing the Armenian Genocide. "Today, in solidarity with ...More

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By Bar 'Ebroyo








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The Western Archdiocese of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, providing Syriac news, spiritual guidance and leadership to the Syriac Orthodox community, is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of 25 churches and parishes in 17 western states. It was established in 1952 as the Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church encompassing the entire United States and Canada. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod of Antioch, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the 17 states of the western half United States.

417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501
Tel: (818) 845-5089 Fax: (818) 495-2440
E-mail: bishopric@soc-wus.org


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